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Giant rodent horror!

Don Simon

TPF Noob!
Jul 4, 2005
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Imagine my terror when, deep underground on a caving expedition in the Peak District, I came face to face with this...


Yes folks, this really is a previously undiscovered species of cave-dwelling giant rat beast! Not just a hamster in a cardboard tube eating regurgitated nachos. Oh no.
Oh, is it then!?!?
So this previously undiscovered cave-dwelling giant rat beast will from now on be called Rattus Zaphodus Beeus? I am SURE!

Surely those are severed baby deer limbs that the devilish beast is consuming, Prehistoric Rat beasts don't eat Nachos. Everyone knows that they have notoriously bad heart burn and need to steer clear of spicy food.
It's an R.U.S....the third terror of the Fire Swamp.
*screams in horror!*

Haha, the nice little beady glow in its eyes is an especially nice touch. Very cute!

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