Girl with Butterfly


Level 40 Squirrel Warrior
Supporting Member
Mar 18, 2021
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The Colony, Texas, USA
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I don't often do people photography, but this opportunity came up and I couldn't let it pass. One of my granddaughters decided to go out with me to LLELA, and this butterfly decided it wanted to be her friend. I loaned her my old Canon 2000D with the 75-300mm lens, so it will be interesting to see what she came up with. It got to 100F/37.8C, so we were pretty exhausted after 3 hours walking around in the heat. The focus is intentionally on the butterfly. Canon 90D w/ Tamron 18-400mm f/6.3 1/1250 ISO 320 89mm.

jun11202201 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr
Nicely done, Jeff! It’s especially nice when you get a good one of a grandchild. We just returned from Texas (our grandkids) on Thursday, and it was getting rather toasty. But we returned to 110 in Tucson. One just plans accordingly. I hope she enjoys the camera.
Nicely done, Jeff! It’s especially nice when you get a good one of a grandchild. We just returned from Texas (our grandkids) on Thursday, and it was getting rather toasty. But we returned to 110 in Tucson. One just plans accordingly. I hope she enjoys the camera.
Thank you! She took the camera back to her room, along with the transfer cable, so we'll see what she got. I set the camera to P with back panel focus, since this is her first time with a DSLR.
I like this a lot, fun times with the grandkiddo.
Very nice - I guess it was drinking her sweat for the salt in it, that has happened to me in hot countries but never the UK.

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