girlfriend C&C


TPF Noob!
Feb 10, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
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let me know what you guys think. lighting was not great but i tried with my sb 600 to correct it but still the shadows are very harsh. any other help would be great. thanks

I actually think the lighting came out kinda neat, but her posture is weird and makes her look like she's contorting her body in unnatural ways.
thanks. thats good and yeah she is kinda stiff when it comes to posing but im working on her. haha. thanks for the comment!
Nice candid looking shot and the location is very dramatic. The use of depth of field here is very nice. The white balance seems to be a little off though as she has a green color cast. Also a little extra work in post to smooth out her skin tones and put some life into her eyes would make a huge difference.

Editing color from a websize image is never the best option but this edit will give you an idea of how I think it could look better. Of course better is always a subjective situation but I have cleaned up the color cast, added some color to her skin, catchlights in her eyes, smoothed skintones to remove blotchyness and done a little dodging and burning here and there


  • $girl in tunnel.jpg
    $girl in tunnel.jpg
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ah nice. her eyes look a little devilish but other than that it looks well. i think ill touch it up and repost here tomorrow. thanks for the update!
ah nice. her eyes look a little devilish but other than that it looks well. i think ill touch it up and repost here tomorrow. thanks for the update!

Well as I said trying to do this sort of retouching on a websize image is a challenge at best. The eyes are pretty small in this version of the shot so trying to get in and place catchlights was a little tricky but it did work to show you I suppose
it did! thanks for the touch up advice!
except the green cast, making it unnatural, i liked the shot....not so stiff but my opinion.

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