"God's Corner..."


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Aug 2, 2015
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X Pro-3
ISO 400
1/500 Sec.
Zeiss C Sonnar T*50 mm f/1.5 ZM
50 mm Equivalent 75 mm
(Fuji M Mount Adapter)

(RAW...Applied ASTIA Soft)

(Processed In LR & PS)


Thanks For Looking Any Comments/Criticism Will Be Appreciated.


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God has good taste (he created me:D).

Another place that looks inviting to fish. Well rendered photographically.
I assume from the quality of that bridge this is a public place. Looks like a very peaceful spot to spend time. Other than a couple on the bridge, it looks surprisingly deserted, but you made me want to visit!
Nice shot, pretty place.

@K9Kirk Thanks Man!

Good shot......

@Jeff15 Thank you!

God has good taste (he created me:D).

Another place that looks inviting to fish. Well rendered photographically.

@Space Face I wouldn't eat anything that cam out of those waters...... lol

I assume from the quality of that bridge this is a public place. Looks like a very peaceful spot to spend time. Other than a couple on the bridge, it looks surprisingly deserted, but you made me want to visit!

@Dean_Gretsch Thanks, it's a small little quaint town in NJ, but the water is deceiving, it was disgustingly dirty......

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