Going into my own business, anyone know how to get the watermark?


TPF Noob!
Feb 2, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I am thinking of getting into the photography business and selling my photos online, how do you get the watermark for photos? How do you ensure no one is using your photos for resale? And how about use of another businesses words or claims without knowing you are doing so? Like a slogan for example or a business name? What steps should I take to get my business started, federal id #? Any advice on names and how about websites? Is there a certain site that is really good and not too expensive that I could start with, or multiple sites? How about printing and framing services? Editing software, is there a way to get Corel Draw or Adobe Photoshop or any others without paying much? Thank you for your input, it will be much appreciated.

At least you're practicing due dilligence with referencing the tax ID number. There's a lot more to it than that. Insurance, CODB, equipment, actual real working photographic knowledge and theory, and a lot more.

How long have you been taking photos seriously with a working knowledge of aperture, shutter speed, ISO, composition, framing, and intent behind the photograph? This will help us gauge our response, as we haven't seen any of your work yet.
If you have questions about photo processing software, more than likely you are not ready to go into photography business. I say take it step by step. Start taking photos for fun and make big $$$$$ later :).
You mentioned in your intro thread that you like editing pictures. What software are you using now?
Bigger watermarks = instant success. Before you doubt me, simply check facebook
I am thinking of getting into the photography business and selling my photos online, how do you get the watermark for photos?
You make your own or pay somone to make it for you.
How do you ensure no one is using your photos for resale? You don't. All you can do if someone does, is sue them. Visit www.copyright.gov
And how about use of another businesses words or claims without knowing you are doing so? Sorry, I don't understand the question.
Like a slogan for example or a business name? Keep it simple. For various business reasons your name works well. Be sure the web site domain name is available.
What steps should I take to get my business started, federal id #? Schedule a consultation with an attorney. Schedule a consultation with an accountant.
Any advice on names and how about websites? See above.
Is there a certain site that is really good and not too expensive that I could start with, or multiple sites? for what kind of photography?
How about printing and framing services? There are bunches of online stores.
Editing software, is there a way to get Corel Draw or Adobe Photoshop or any others without paying much? Yes, but don't buy pirated software.
Thank you for your input, it will be much appreciated.
Wisconsin.gov - Build Your Business - Home
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Photoshop Elements 10 will only run you around $100 which isn't expensive at all considering the full CS version could cost you considerably more.
Great thread so far.

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