Gold Gate Bridge


TPF Noob!
Jan 6, 2014
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United States
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Hey Guys What do you think of this Gold Gate Bridge Photo?


  • $HDR Golden Gate Bridge 08010714Smaller.jpg
    $HDR Golden Gate Bridge 08010714Smaller.jpg
    140.7 KB · Views: 131
You may get some responses that say ,'what do you think? Is this the effect you were looking for?'
Personally, I like the star burst effect and the glow on the water. Also, the bridge leads me through the image for a nice effect.
the foreground is very dark, but someone more expert will weigh in with some insightful suggestions, I am still learning.

it is a different angle than I usually see of the bridge, where did you go for this?
The bright sun makes it hard to even look at the rest, and it's very dark. It almost looks out of focus.
Very nice, I quite like it.

It's a hard thing to photograph, since it's been photographed so many times and everyone has seen so many photographs of it. I like this take on it.

There seems to be some crud in the picture around Sutro Tower in the background, though. There might be more elsewhere, but that's where I saw it.
A few hours earlier or later, depending on which way the sun was moving would have helped this one. The harsh sun light and the shadows do nothing for me. The location looks to be a great spot to photograph it from and I do light the sun effect you got from the small aperture.

Another possibility would have been to use a ND filter or a Graduated ND filter. This would have allowed you a longer exposure to bring out more detail in the bridge and still gotten you that cool sun look.
I little curves adjustment on the blacks and darks would make a huge improvement.
I quite like it too. I see the point others are making about it being too dark but it has a 'surreal' quality for me.
Totally minor inconsequential point but figured it was worth mentioning... I believe it's the GoldEN Gate Bridge.

Nice pic.
I like the composition of the photo, but the processing is not so hot.
I see severe banding in the sky as well as other unpleasant artifacts which, for me at least, wreck an otherwise fine shot.
Thanks guys for your comments and suggestions.
I will take another look at it tonight and see if I can smooth out the sky.

I think that it has a little bit of a surreal look to it which I really enjoy. This is also a pretty low res copy of it so I the colors/brightness looks off.
If the foreground was adjusted I thing it would go from good to great.

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