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Good first lens for d200- "variety"


TPF Noob!
Nov 11, 2007
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I posted a thread before about wanting 2 lenses for around, or under $400, but now I would like to know:

What is a good lens (only one..) that i can buy for around $400, that will give me some variety in shooting. I would like to have a fairly fast lens, because most of my shooting will be candid.

I will probably have a bigger budget by january, or Feb. but I need something to hold me over.

(im kinda a camera noob)

For a little more than your bubget you can get a Nikkor 35-70 f/2.8. Great, sharp fast lens. It is close to being as sharp as a 35mm f/2.0, a 50mm f/1.8 or f/1.4 and close to as long as the 85mm while being close to as sharp. Most will never see and differance between this zoom and shots taken with those mentioned primes. I have had one and have put it to heavy use for years. B&H has one for $480 here:
For a little more than your bubget you can get a Nikkor 35-70 f/2.8. Great, sharp fast lens. It is close to being as sharp as a 35mm f/2.0, a 50mm f/1.8 or f/1.4 and close to as long as the 85mm while being close to as sharp. Most will never see and differance between this zoom and shots taken with those mentioned primes. I have had one and have put it to heavy use for years. B&H has one for $480 here:
I have to agree here. I think you put too much money into your body here if you cannot afford the right glass to go on it. The lens jstuedle listed is going to be the best value for your money and the minimum you should get. Otherwise pick up a good fast prime and forget a "variety" lens till you can afford it.

You might start with something like.....


This is just a good straight foreward lens and nice and fast as well
and when you can afford it this should be your next lens.....

I still think that your best bet in that price range is the Tamron 17-50 or the Tokina 16-50. Neither is perfect, but the focal length range is great for a crop sensor. The 35-70 will be somewhat sharper, but (in my mind) less flexible. Take a look at photozone.de for lens reviews. But remember, more important than the absolute IQ, is how will the lens work for you. While I would like to recommend the 35-70, as an only lens I think it gives up too much on the wide end on a crop sensor.
Thanks for the help.

What about the sigma 105 f/2.8?

Ive heard mixed reviews (personal bias maybe???), but would like to know what you guys think.

I personally won't buy another Sigma lens. That's just me. I still think for your budget the 35-70 will give you the speed and sharpness you are looking for and it will hold it's resale value more than a 3rd party lens. But that's just my opinion.

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