Jim, that is absolutely fantastic!
You're getting good at this photography thing huh?
So what's the details on exposure etc?
I'm impressed that the sun hasn't washed everything out.
Assuming I ever find a job again, I'd like a shot like that in my office.
Great job as always Jim!
Okay, I gotta 'fess up- I darkened this using Curves in Photoshop to remove the distracting foreground (plants & road). Nothing was washed out though. I usually hate lens flares, but I kinda like these.
The exif data says-
Manual Mode (it's a control thing, just hate letting the camera do that auto thing)
ISO 100
1/1000 sec
lens: 22.2mm (~100mm film equivalent)
Pattern metering mode (points from all over the frame)
This was the last bunch of clouds I've seen. This was the next morning, hasn't been a cloud in the sky since. Just boring blue...
Not as dramatic as the last one. I switched cameras right after this & hopefully got the good shots on film. I'll know when I finish the roll & get it developed.