Got a shoot with a girl off Model Mayhem!


TPF Noob!
Jun 6, 2010
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I did the shoot yesterday. I came out and told the girl that I'm not that good at giving directions, although I tried. She did all the poses herself, and I just took pictures. I think the shoot went pretty well. C&C please!



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im the same exact way man, but once you break out the camera it should flow. imagine what YOU would wanna see in a photo w her. If she has a great smile get a couple close ups of her cheesing. the posing i have trouble w too, but maybe you can look at a couple of magazines or other pics on MM and get an idea. Make sure they are in focus.
Good Luck
With lifestyle shots you don't have to worry too much with posing. It's mostly photo's of the person doing things. Kind of like candid shots. You will most likely have to give some direction, but you shouldn't have to tell her everything to do because then it wouldn't really be lifestyle photo's. Just go with it.
Lifestyle photography is like, if they're into ballet, you'll take shots of her with her tutu and slippers on... if she's a swimmer she'll want to do the shoot at a pool, etc.

It's your first model mayhem? I'd like to get on there but I really have nothing to submit for their 'new member test' thing..
Definitely look at as much material as you can before going in.
One thing I found that makes it a bit easier when "directing" a shoot is, talk with the model beforehand. Ask her, what she would like to see, discuss what her best attributes are and how they can come together in a photo.
Maybe she has some experience in posing and might have one or the other pose in mind. Let her try them out, see if they work and if not, advise on how they could be better.

Yes, most people will want the photographer to basically run the show, and while that is what often happens in my experience most models actually like the chance to "direct" a few photos themselves.

Good luck with the shoot and let us see the results :thumbup::D
Being the mother of a professional model, I would say that if she contacted you with a specific style in mind, she probably already knows what she wants. Maybe she needs to fill a slot in her portfolio. If she is a good model, you won't have to do anything but depress the shutter release and won't have to direct her at all.
Just be comfortable and make sure you've got the techical side of shooting near about instinct. I don't mean to downgrade ya if you're a near-pro or something but I almost kind of warm up before a shoot. Just kind of take a few pictures to get away from that nervousness. If your comfortable and personable then she will most likely be comfortable about you taking pictures of her.

Just my .02.
With lifestyle shots you don't have to worry too much with posing. It's mostly photo's of the person doing things. Kind of like candid shots. You will most likely have to give some direction, but you shouldn't have to tell her everything to do because then it wouldn't really be lifestyle photo's. Just go with it.
Negatory. There is likely to be more directing/posing because you don't want them to look staged or unnatural.

Lighting will be another issue to address IMO. If at all possible, I suggest to bring an assistant to help manuever lights, reflectors, furniture, brick-n-brack, etc.
So does she want environmental portraits then?

Also, I just got approved on MM, yesterday. Yay! [:

P.S: the yellow in your signature..:grumpy:
it's like a pretend acting and you shoot them while they're doing different things. Like she could be ironing and geting ready for a party?
As far as lighting goes, it'll be natural. And isn't it obvious who makes a D700?

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