Got my 5D Mark Too


TPF Noob!
Dec 15, 2007
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Encinitas Cali
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Big thanks to platano for providing transporter like service out to pick up my full frame beauty! Complete with German race car and rockin tunes - thanks bro. :thumbup: (my 2runner is popping out of 3rd).

So by the time I got the battery juiced I only got two stills off before sunset, then shot video after sunset, even pushing the noise factor in low light (about a minute into the clip here) shooting 20 minutes after sunset by that point.

I meant to shoot neutral picture style, but forgot so this is standard.. I meant to try a lot of things but hunger kicked in and the new factor crippled my usual savvy.

Quicktime H264, 95.1 Mb - 800 X 450 from 1080P workflow. 17 Mb full size re-compressed very short clip here too.

Sorry about the garage guitar chops, that is me playing and therefore no copyright problems... maybe check your volume down first. :mrgreen: Many more experiments to follow...

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thanks for the props, Im at work right now and I cant see the videos :( I guess I have to wait to get home now.
Some night Video here (95 Mb QT [updated]), including APPLE's (licensed) xmas characters & Encinitas SRF xmas lights...

And some test shots with the walk around lens (neutral picture style on the video & stills):

Hand held 1/30th f/4.0 ISO 3200:

Hand held 1/10th f/4.0 ISO 1000

1/5300th f/4.0 ISO 3200

Hand held 1/20th f/4.0 ISO 3200

Funny the EXIF data does not show the lens, yet the peripheral illumination data reads correctly... :greenpbl: I hope a firmware update fixes this, I like the record of lens used.

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nice work. Are you seeing any of the black dots to the right of highlights like some people are seeing? There are tons of people complaining about only a handful of images that have these black dots. Seems bogus, as the images they're showing look like crap anyway, and I have inspected mine and can't find any of what they're talking about. Seen anything of the sort? Your images look clean. The top image would be a good one to inspect for these dots.
No black dogs so far... but now I will be on the lookout. First super clear day here (sky & schedule) so now I can concentrate on trying out a few manual exposures and start to warm up to the 5DmII's character... I love the sound of the shutter! -Shea

You got the 24-70 f/2.8L, right? How do you like it? Just ordered one to replace the 24-105 f/4L - like the range of 24-105, but would much rather have f/2.8.
I've shot with 2 different 24-70 ells, and love em on a tripod, great in studio - but I returned mine to get the 70-200 IS, mostly because the 70-200 fits my desire to compose frames outdoors. I hope to charge the 24-70 f/2.8 to a job ($hooting a home interior) and just called that lead because I could hear that lens calling me...

BTW - My 'hit rate' was pretty low with the 24-70 f/2.8 (handheld), and this is also why I ordered the 5DmII with the 'kit' Lens, 'saving' about $200 while paying a premium for the first bodies.

In case you can't tell the 24-70 f/2.8 has a home in my heart and a reservation in my pelican 1600. If you can keep the 24-105 and get the 24-70 DO IT. Otherwise you need to make a serious decision (before return date) about how YOU shoot, if you need low light performance, and you don't mind carrying a tripod...

Hope this helps as it took me a quite a few deals to find my style & foundation lenses.

Yeah I won't be returning the 24-105 or the kit, I'd just sell it used and come out about the same cost-wise. I was toying around with the idea of keeping both, but boy I sure could use that extra $800-900 on better things! I'm not in a rush to sell it, so I'll probably put it up for sale and enjoy it while I have it, but have a feeling I won't use it.
Don't let the f/4.0 scare ya,.. with the IS you basically gain a few stops & she can be very sharp. Here is my favorite from today. -S



EDIT: Here are a few more with that lens..


All shot neutral picture style - just something I'm testing.
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BTW - Turns out if you upload to Youtube @ 720 it enables the tubes version of [ame=""]HD[/ame].


EDIT: Regarding the black dots, snagged from the web:
Just picked up my 5dII, and sure enough, I see black dots out of the box.
At iso 400 and iso 6400, with a 50/1.8 and 85/1.2L II. I took a few dozen shots, and they are easily duplicated.
I then turned the settings to “Disable” for highlight tone priority, lighting optimizer and noise reduction.
No black dots.

Highlight priority was and remains off on my unit, as does long exposure noise reduction... lighting optimizer is set to standard. So if you see black dots try these menu items.


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nice work. Are you seeing any of the black dots to the right of highlights like some people are seeing? There are tons of people complaining about only a handful of images that have these black dots. Seems bogus, as the images they're showing look like crap anyway, and I have inspected mine and can't find any of what they're talking about. Seen anything of the sort? Your images look clean. The top image would be a good one to inspect for these dots.

I just got mine on Sunday. With only about 200 or so pics taken, i have not seen any anomallies. I do have a dead pixel that sorta annoys me. Will probably exchange it or send it in for repairs once things settle down. IQ wise, the 5d Mark II tops the IDs Mark III. I was comparing high ISO pics I took with both cameras and the Digic IV processer seems to do the job on the 5D. Keep in mind I was also using the EF 200mm F/2L IS on the 1Ds. Video is insane on this camaera BTW. Need to invest in larger CF cards and a new computer upgrade. I have two dual core processers now on me PC, may need to quad core cpu's soon.
You're a genius.. We've established this already, but I don't envy this camera a bit, because you can't even email the pictures without dumbing them down to the quality that the aveerage DSLR can take.. Most email accounts have a 5 Meg limit on size..

The pictures are great, but when you have to start initiating a download session to look at them, it just gets kind of dumb..
What color is a dead pixel? Oh and congratulations, even with the slight problem... I would ask my dealer for a swap.

Einstein was a genius, I'm just an enthusiastic technologist and creative individual.

I'm prepared to downrez HD video all night, so a few images is cake - not to mention you can set a smaller size in camera.

Please keep it cool :thumbup: in here, were just chillin.

Keep it cool? I wasn't trying to heat it up.. I truly think you're a genius, as I've told you... But this ridiculous camera isn't realistic.. It's like someone telling me that they really like their new Ferrari and they want me to take it around the block and compare it to my Subaru.. It's just not reallity.. Of course the Ferrari will zoom up to 60 faster and corner faster, etc, but I'd get arrested for using its full potential..

The same holds true for a camera whose pictures you can't post or email without dumbing down to normal DSLR standards, and whose videos are worthless without seriously fast internet. I just can't get excited over a camera that is so elite.. Yeah, it's great if you can afford it, but for most people, it's just not reality..

I'm sure I'd love it if it was mine, but I don't know that I'd be flaunting its pictures all over the internet.. It is kind of extreme..

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