My Grandson (13 yrs) has just gotten interested in Photography
after receiving a gift of a new Canon T7 SLR.
Nice gift.
I remember many years ago all the pleasurable hours
I spent with Popular Photography magazine.
Shame they couldn't keep publishing it.
Was an excellent magazine.
So, I can't get him a subscription to it.
Would appreciate any suggestions for anything "similar" for a true amateur ?
Prefer paper, but I guess on-line is also a possibility.
Would be grateful also for an on-line VERY basic description of the interrelationships
between f#, Speed, Depth of Field, etc. that I can send him now.
Much thanks,
My Grandson (13 yrs) has just gotten interested in Photography
after receiving a gift of a new Canon T7 SLR.
Nice gift.
I remember many years ago all the pleasurable hours
I spent with Popular Photography magazine.
Shame they couldn't keep publishing it.
Was an excellent magazine.
So, I can't get him a subscription to it.
Would appreciate any suggestions for anything "similar" for a true amateur ?
Prefer paper, but I guess on-line is also a possibility.
Would be grateful also for an on-line VERY basic description of the interrelationships
between f#, Speed, Depth of Field, etc. that I can send him now.
Much thanks,