Great color


TPF Noob!
May 12, 2009
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Dallas, Texas
Can others edit my Photos
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i liked the fact that you could see other flowers in the b/g.

That's why i didnt crop the top.

I try to take the picture the way I would like to see it. I think cropping is for mistakes....usually. I may catch some flack for saying that.
I'm not sure, to me if the top part was cropped out it would look too busy. Thats just imo :)
Thanks Dan, I kinda thought so myself. I appreciate your comment!
Ha thanks. I'm almost shocked to see someone agree with me.
Ha thanks. I'm almost shocked to see someone agree with me.

I'm not surprised. Most people don't seem to understand when I talk about printing full frame. Learning to shoot what you want rather than figure it out later is very important to me.

I often say it shows you know what you are doing but I guess it is more a question of knowing what you want. And of course, there is the problem of image quality. Whether film or digital, when you crop, there is a loss of quality.

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