Happy Canada Day


TPF Noob!
Jun 14, 2006
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Toronto, ON
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On this day in 1867, Canada officially became its own country.

Well, sort of. Ish. More of a 'dominion' status. But that's been greatly reduced to today's status of Canada as the, well, mostly-independant-but-without-the-guns-girls-or-gore-while-still-worshipping-the-Queen nation we know today.

Nation? Or nations? Canada's really the melting pot of North America, a whole whack of cultures crushed into 3 or 4 cities with a whole mass of white in between (rather like a Jackson Pollock piece). The Easteners hate Ontario, Quebec hates the English, the English hate Quebec, the West hates Ontario, Ontario hates nobody, everybody hates Toronto and nobody really pays attention to the natives anymore beyond some treaties and monies. Crime's rising, the country's dividing, sects are uniting and sex is declining in the diehard form of a lower birth rate continuously.


Scratch that.

Celebrate anyway! It's better now than then! Wooo!

Happy 140th birthday, my home and native land :)
I'm English and I don't hate Quebec, not keen on the Maple Leafs though ;-)

oh yeah and Happy Canada Day
[ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDVDqJ7o8LE[/ame] just fer yer Canada day celebration
I've been to a couple of Blue Jays games if that helps, once in the old stadium and once in the Skydome - they always lose when I go.

Happy Canada day to all you Canuks - I seem to remember a bunch of fireworks for this in Ottawa the first time I went.
Happy Canada Day to all our Canadian members! :D Thanks for that informative post up there, GoM. :thumbup:

Next year, someone please give us a shout so we can add your holiday to the TPF calendar! It deserves a mention as much as our upcoming July 4th holiday I see on there. ;)
Yeah, happy celebration to all of our Canadian friends!

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