Happy Friday - and Independence Day!


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I am looking forward to a lovely 3-day weekend, like most of us Yanks. I plan on breaking out the Daylab and some 4x5 Polaroid film and having time to play. :cheer:

We're going to the farmer's market tonight to stock up on some food for the weekend.....weather is supposed to be hot and beautiful.....perfect!

Who has cool plans for the Festive 4th?
We're heading down to my parents for the weekend. On the agenda is:
-Seeing the movie March of the Penguins
-Going to the Boston Museum of Science

We've got several photo shoots to finish editing so I am sure that's what we'll be doing in the evenings. School starts again on Tuesday (but thankfully classes only run 6 weeks in the summer so I'll be done mid-August).

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
I really have no clue as to what I'm doing for the 4th...most likely hanging out with Erik's friends...and finding a way to get back at them for showing up at 10pm last night (and not leaving til 1) when I had to be up at FIVE THIRTY IN THE F-ING MORNING! As you can imagine, I'm quite irratable right now. I told Erik that if I'm grumpy today, he can blame his friends. Yeah...I was pissed off, still am! We are taking the kids..er cats to the vet today, so I came in two hours early to do payroll and all that, cuz the only time we could get them in was late morning, and I usually work til 2. Well, he just text messaged me and told me he was able to move the appointment back til 3, so I can work a full day. SCREW THAT! I'm leaving when I was planning on leaving! I am NOT in the mood to deal with my jerk-off co-worker here in the office. If he says one more condecending thing to me, I may just flip out. So be warned, there is a possiblity you won't hear from me for 7-10 years (earlier if I behave ;) )

Um...tonight, after we are done at the vets, I'll just hang out with my honey..I'm making Vennison Roast tonight. Yum! :) He works during the day this weekend, and I think I'm gonna visit some family, cuz I took the whole weekend off. Maybe I'll sleep. heheh...I was thinking on my drive to work this morning, I should have called Eriks friend Tim (the one who was over late with his wife and their friend) niiiice and early and said "Well, I figured that since you were kind enough to come over so late and make sure I didn't get more than 4 1/2 hours sleep, I'd do the same by waking you up early". Heheh..I wish I could be that evil.

Ok....I've wasted some time and now I have 8 minutes left before I have to leave...so I guess I should go now.

Princess Grumpina
Awww.....poor Corry! :lol: Lighten up, sistah! Those late-night unexpected drop-ins let you know you're alive. ;) It's kind of funny, really. You'll even the score eventually, I'm sure!

So far this thread is very well-mannered. No one is discussing bottle rockets, kegs of beer or backyard grilling run amok. :mrgreen:
Oh, ok...we'll discuss that...his friend Timmy also said he has fireworks, and he wants to light them off at Erik's house Sunday night...yeah...we're in a drought here in Illinois. The north end of Erik's property is a dry corn field...the East end, a thick wooded area..the South end, also tree lined, except for a small opening for the driveway...and the West end, a friggen orchard!!!! Yeah...it's this dry out..fireworks are a fantastic idea. Thankfully, my boyfriend is smart enough to listen to his girlfriend.
Bottle rockets are best for the street, anyway. That way you can go along and pick them up the next day. :) No need setting the woods afire!
Yeah...I'm sure he has bottle rockets, too, but if it's anything like last year, they've got plenty of big stuff. Last year they were all going ga-ga like little kids on christmas over some stupid rocket called 'El Torro'. They had four of them, and two of them almost went wrong!!! Damn boys.

Ok...I'm gonna go do some grocery shopping now, and get some food and go see my handsome boyfriend...maybe I'll be less grumpy by later today! :)

Have a great Friday everyone!
Happy friday to u to Terri. I'm hoping a BBQ with friends and then fireworks. Nothing much other than working in the crypt.

Sucks that folks can't be cool when they need to be C. You could put a flaming bag of used cat litter on their door step and ring the door bell and then hide int eh bushes with your camera. that would be good for a laugh.
Happy Friday Aunty Terri! Oh and everyone else :p The weekend doesnt really start till tommorrow evening for us (My beau's gotta work) but were off camping, and my new (to me) little box camera has arrived just in time to come along.

Do you think 4 cameras is too many to take camping? :lol:
Do you think 4 cameras is too many to take camping? :lol:
Only four? ;) Of course not!!

Take lots of pics, and let's see them when you're back home! :)
Ok...it's the next day. I'm better now. Not grumpy. ~sigh~ I like not being grumpy.

Still don't know what I'm doing this weekend though!

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