

TPF Noob!
Feb 19, 2007
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Wasn't sure where to post this exactly. I have been doing Photography for about a year and would like to start practicing HDR. The only thing is... I have no clue how to do it, what the steps are, or anything! Any helpful advice or maybe some links?
you need to search, people won't readily answer these questions any more...i do think having a stickied HDR thread wouldn't be a bad idea...
Here's a quick rundown, but yes, you'll have to research it on your own 'cause there's a lot to it. Basically, you need a tripod and a bracketing feature. Be sure that you bracket for shutter speed and NOT aperture. Changes to aperture will change your DOF. Take at least 3 bracketed shots at least 1EV step apart. Some will try to take more pics or greater EV steps, but I tend to see more noise that way. Then you need to either use photomatix or CS3. I'm not sure of the CS3 workflow, but photomatix offers a quicky online tutorial that'll get you going in no-time. Realize 2 things...you have to play with the settings to really see what's going on with the pics and that some pics just plain WON'T come out right!!
The things that slightly annoy me about these threads... Which i know.. its a forum.. people come here for information. But just googling HDR tutorials... or just HDR will get you a **** ton more info than what someone here could simply tell you.

Generally if i just have a generic question, i go to google, if i have specific question, I hit the forums up.


Simple "HDR" search in Google netted those.

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