Heading into the 18th century.

Grandpa Ron

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Aug 9, 2018
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Occasionally, the group of 18th century reenactors a belong to, will do an extended period correct trip. The canoe holds the shelter canvas covering the stew pot, water barrel, food and life jackets. The pictures show all the personal gear, the latter-day voyageur gets to take.


A flotilla of 4 or 5 such canoes with paddlers in 18th century clothing, does draw some curious onlookers.
I bet you do get your share of onlookers - some double-takes, even. :lol:

That's a good shot of the setup. I'm sure these events are fun for all.
All this started way back during the US Bi-centennial celebration in the US. It seemed every town in every state had some historic festival, and re-enactment was in it's hay day, surprisingly, a few of these event still exist. But that is okay, since us young bucks, are not so young any more. :chuncky::chuncky:
Very nice evocative shot.

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