

TPF Supporters
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Jun 25, 2023
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United Kingdom
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at least she has someone!
Hoping you didn't just shoot and walk by??? There's a tax on these shots, payable to the subject.
Raw. Real. Tough to click "Like" but I did. It's a good, human shot.
unfortunately this is all too common on our streets in one of the worlds richest countries 😕
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Particularly sad given that during corvid, we somehow managed to find room and board for people like her but now suddenly we don't. The last few days must have been particularly difficult given the temperatures.
and at this time of year to salve our consciences while gorging on food of which most of gets thrown away
Very poignant shot! We have people living rough here, too, and I just don't get it. With the amount of wealth we have in the West, you would think a place could be found to provide food and shelter. Before I spend too much time on the soapbox, I'll step down.
Very poignant shot! We have people living rough here, too, and I just don't get it. With the amount of wealth we have in the West, you would think a place could be found to provide food and shelter. Before I spend too much time on the soapbox, I'll step down.
I'm in agreement Jeff, we live in one of the richest countries on earth!
Very poignant shot! We have people living rough here, too, and I just don't get it. With the amount of wealth we have in the West, you would think a place could be found to provide food and shelter. Before I spend too much time on the soapbox, I'll step down.
The "box" that matters most is the ballot box.

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