Hello all from Tampa Bay, FL!


TPF Noob!
Apr 25, 2021
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Tampa Bay, FL
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Good Evening all! I am new to the forum but not new to photography. I began shooting black & white when I was a teen. I had my own dark room, enlarger, printer. I even got pretty good with Fereotyping. My First SLR was a "Mamiya Sekor 1000 DTL" camera (Hence my forum name).

Of course, now, I am taking primarily Digital photos with my smart phone and I'll start a different thread in the correct forum about my main conern regarding that..

Hope to contribute and learn from all of you.
Welcome. I am sure you will learn a lot here as well as helping others. It sounds like you have quite the photo skills!
I lived in Clearwater for 30+ yrs. where are you?
Welcome aboard.
Hello and welcome.
Welcome aboard, great group here. Enjoy.
Welcome to the forum. I love Tampa Bay. When I lived and worked in Chicago, I would go to a conference in Tampa Bay every February. I stayed on the beach in St. Pete Beach. It was a good way to welcome in the year. Now I live near Houston Tx not too far from the other side of the Gulf.
Welcome to the forum. Our daughter and family live in Key West at the moment, and my wife lived in Ft. Myers for many years. Florida is a great state for all types of photos. Hope you'll share with us.

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