Hello from Miami


TPF Noob!
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Well, here's the deal. I have two years to learn how to use an SLR camera and buy software designed for photo editing, etc for a wedding. I am in school right so I don't have the time to take a 'photography' class. What I would like to do is buy the correct software (the most inexpensive one if possible) and learn to use an SLR camera the best I can. Any advice or suggestions would really be great. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Student123,
Do you own a Digital SLR now? If so, what? If you do, what do you have for lense(s) & a flash unit & filters?
Probably the most cost-effective software, in my opinion, is Adore Elements Premier, Version 9, I believe. You can edit both digital still & video with this software. You can find it on eBay for under $100. If you don't hink you will ever need the video editing, just buy Adobe Elements for roughly $60.
I've been taking various courses through the Digital Photo Academy (sponsored by Panasonic) on Saturdays. I just took a "portrait" class 2 weeks ago that would be great for your upcoming wedding "assignment". I know they offer classes in the Miami area. Check them out.
Hmm, hello. (:
Where do you go? If you go to FIU, you can get Photoshop CS5 for only 200$ (60% off) from UTS. But, you can also get it for that price from the Photoshop website with proof that you are a student. :D

Also, you mention you have to learn how to use your camera, so the camera is new, but are you to photography?
If you are, I suggest you read up on some basic photography books, such as learning exposure, shutter speeds, aperture, etc.
Experiment with your camera, and it won't hurt to read the manual either. Look at other photographers' work and do your homework (:
Are you shooting the wedding, or is it that you're going to one and want to take some photos? o.O

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