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Hello from Sweden!


TPF Noob!
May 9, 2019
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Hello everyone! Will probably write a novel here..
I usually only lurk on forums without posting, have bad experience with forums in general plus photographers who know what they are doing are just intimidating! But after reading some on this forum I got the impression that people are quite nice on here!
Anyway, I thought I should force myself to interact with people to enhance my chances of actually learning more. I also only really have one other person near me that shares this interest, so getting more engaged with others would be helpful to keep my motivation up for longer.

Anyway, I got my first DSLR over 10 years ago. A Nikon D3000 with the 18-55mm kit lens. I had decided I would really learn photography now, unlike every other thing I take an interest in that fades after a couple of weeks. At the time I wasn't aware of just how much money this hobby will eat up! The dream was a good macro lens, and a good telephoto lens. But the prices!!!
My interest has always been wildlife and macro (nature-oriented, love bugs!) and the occasional landscape when the opportunity arises.
I usually use my camera on a regular basis every spring/summer/fall, wintertime I rarely go outside if i don't have to. Hard to get around with all the snow too. But every year I keep thinking I want to shoot bullfinches against the snow and frost when they come out of the deep woods for food. Maybe this coming winter I will actually get to it..?
A few years ago I upgraded to a D5200. Absolutely loved the revolving monitor. Made macros so much easier! I found image quality to be nice on it at first but these days I just feel like it's always producing noise no matter what. But it's surely me. I have a tendency to shoot at too slow shutter speed because I have always been terrified of raising ISO as I am allergic to noise in most cases. But I have beat it into my head this last week, that I should not be afraid of it, by googling it! Learned that high ISO doesn't need to equal lots of noise, and saw examples where iso 1600 had less noise than iso 400. Eye opener!

Despite being into this for the last 10+ years I feel like I know very little. I understand a lot of things but fail to apply them. I've gotten a lot of motivation this last week or two to learn a few new things. Just out of the blue I started looking for a telephoto lens, something I've always wanted but always thought was too expensive, and ended up ordering the Sigma 150-600 this week. Maybe I can finally get those little birds that won't let me near!?
And this last week I also got it into my head that I want a new camera body, and ran into the D500. Looked up info on it, lots of it. And now I need it. No, I don't NEED it, my head tells me that it's way too much money to put on myself, I am not good enough and it's just a hobby. I should settle for D7500 instead. But my heart is screaming that I want the D500. :) Cost is not really a problem but I am still trying to justify getting it for myself. But we'll see what I'll do. :)
Anyway that is a bit of my background and looking forward to learning more with all you guys!

As I don't know how to embed photos, here is just the link to one of many photos of my favourite subject to shoot. That I unfortunately had to have put down very suddenly last September. Always beautiful photos of this guy. <3
Greetings from the SW US.
Hello everyone! Will probably write a novel here..
I usually only lurk on forums without posting, have bad experience with forums in general plus photographers who know what they are doing are just intimidating! But after reading some on this forum I got the impression that people are quite nice on here!
Anyway, I thought I should force myself to interact with people to enhance my chances of actually learning more. I also only really have one other person near me that shares this interest, so getting more engaged with others would be helpful to keep my motivation up for longer.

Anyway, I got my first DSLR over 10 years ago. A Nikon D3000 with the 18-55mm kit lens. I had decided I would really learn photography now, unlike every other thing I take an interest in that fades after a couple of weeks. At the time I wasn't aware of just how much money this hobby will eat up! The dream was a good macro lens, and a good telephoto lens. But the prices!!!
My interest has always been wildlife and macro (nature-oriented, love bugs!) and the occasional landscape when the opportunity arises.
I usually use my camera on a regular basis every spring/summer/fall, wintertime I rarely go outside if i don't have to. Hard to get around with all the snow too. But every year I keep thinking I want to shoot bullfinches against the snow and frost when they come out of the deep woods for food. Maybe this coming winter I will actually get to it..?
A few years ago I upgraded to a D5200. Absolutely loved the revolving monitor. Made macros so much easier! I found image quality to be nice on it at first but these days I just feel like it's always producing noise no matter what. But it's surely me. I have a tendency to shoot at too slow shutter speed because I have always been terrified of raising ISO as I am allergic to noise in most cases. But I have beat it into my head this last week, that I should not be afraid of it, by googling it! Learned that high ISO doesn't need to equal lots of noise, and saw examples where iso 1600 had less noise than iso 400. Eye opener!

Despite being into this for the last 10+ years I feel like I know very little. I understand a lot of things but fail to apply them. I've gotten a lot of motivation this last week or two to learn a few new things. Just out of the blue I started looking for a telephoto lens, something I've always wanted but always thought was too expensive, and ended up ordering the Sigma 150-600 this week. Maybe I can finally get those little birds that won't let me near!?
And this last week I also got it into my head that I want a new camera body, and ran into the D500. Looked up info on it, lots of it. And now I need it. No, I don't NEED it, my head tells me that it's way too much money to put on myself, I am not good enough and it's just a hobby. I should settle for D7500 instead. But my heart is screaming that I want the D500. :) Cost is not really a problem but I am still trying to justify getting it for myself. But we'll see what I'll do. :)
Anyway that is a bit of my background and looking forward to learning more with all you guys!

As I don't know how to embed photos, here is just the link to one of many photos of my favourite subject to shoot. That I unfortunately had to have put down very suddenly last September. Always beautiful photos of this guy. <3

Hello Gabriella, welcome to the forum all members are very friendly and a helpful set of folk. Hope to see some of your images. That is a beautiful image of your cat.
Nice photo!!!! Geat bokeh! Assuming I'm using the term correctly. I'm kind of new to photography. I just bought a Canon M50. It's probably a toy compared to some of the DSLRs but so far I'm enjoying it. I was attracted to the portability.

Sweden, wow! I've only been out of the States once and that was to Ireland. Sweden is like a fairy tale place to me: Rivendell, Atlantis, Utopia, Avalon, Valhalla, and Sweden! Great to talk to somebody from such a cool place!
Welcome aboard. Your kitty was very pretty, indeed.

Since you are hosting your photos on Flickr, you can use the BBCode under share. Pick the image size then copy and paste the link into your post.
Welcome aboard. Your kitty was very pretty, indeed.

Since you are hosting your photos on Flickr, you can use the BBCode under share. Pick the image size then copy and paste the link into your post.
I knew I wasn't dreaming that up, I kept looking for that but couldn't find it on the flickr page :s I'm still suck on old flickr in my head.
Nice photo!!!! Geat bokeh! Assuming I'm using the term correctly. I'm kind of new to photography. I just bought a Canon M50. It's probably a toy compared to some of the DSLRs but so far I'm enjoying it. I was attracted to the portability.

Sweden, wow! I've only been out of the States once and that was to Ireland. Sweden is like a fairy tale place to me: Rivendell, Atlantis, Utopia, Avalon, Valhalla, and Sweden! Great to talk to somebody from such a cool place!

As long as you're enjoying it, it doesn't matter what your gear is. :)
Sweden isn't that special, but it sure is cool, we've got cold snowy April-weather in May :( Country can be beautiful if you get out into the landscape though.
Hello Gabriella, welcome to TPF. Great intro post.
Welcome aboard. Your kitty was very pretty, indeed.

Since you are hosting your photos on Flickr, you can use the BBCode under share. Pick the image size then copy and paste the link into your post.
I knew I wasn't dreaming that up, I kept looking for that but couldn't find it on the flickr page :s I'm still suck on old flickr in my head.
Hopefully this will help.

First, pick the "Share" function (the curved arrow)

Then select the "BBCode tab, set the size from the drop-down menu, and copy the url.
Welcome aboard. Your kitty was very pretty, indeed.

Since you are hosting your photos on Flickr, you can use the BBCode under share. Pick the image size then copy and paste the link into your post.
I knew I wasn't dreaming that up, I kept looking for that but couldn't find it on the flickr page :s I'm still suck on old flickr in my head.
Hopefully this will help.

First, pick the "Share" function (the curved arrow)
View attachment 172836
Then select the "BBCode tab, set the size from the drop-down menu, and copy the url.
View attachment 172837

Yeah I found it, I was looking all over for the field that used to be on the bottom right once upon a time. I even hoovered my mouse over that share icon and still didn't find it somehow. :s

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