Hello out there


TPF Noob!
Dec 24, 2013
Reaction score
United States
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Well I have dabbled with photography now for the past 4 years using first a Fuji Finepix S2500 and then a Nikon L120 bridge camera. I have finally made the jump to a Canon T3 DSLR. Hoping to improve the quality of the photos I take. I am self taught at this and learn best by trial and error (mostly error). I personally prefer not to edit the photos once taken. I prefer to see what I can do with the camera and not the PC. Nothing against it, just personal preference.

For the better cameras I like to shoot nature and other outdoor shots. I use the D30 in wet environments (it is waterproof). The Nokia for shots of the kids when we are out ans about since it is always in my pocket.

Looking to learn, thanks for the advice in advance.
Welcome to the site.
I personally prefer not to edit the photos once taken. I prefer to see what I can do with the camera and not the PC. Nothing against it, just personal preference.

I understand your point, that being an excellent discipline. Don't overlook however, those shots that would be improved by the more simple editing procedures, such as; cropping, straightening, adjusting white balance, etc. These techniques don't detract from the original intent, and usually enhance it.
Hello and welcome aboard!

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