How can i open i raw file in photoshop elements 7.0
it keep sending me this.
the file is damage or is a format that can not be included in the organizer
You need to check the elements 7.0 support site to see if there is an update to RAW driver to work with your camera’s files
If there is no elements 7.0 RAW support for your camera, you will need to either update your software to a new verson or download the free RAW editor from your camera brand site
Your camera came with software. Have you installed it? It will have a program that can handle raw. More than likely, unless you have a pretty old camera you are going to have to use the software that came with the camera, convert it to another format and open it in Photoshop or buy a new version.
Adobe is very bad about not supporting a particular version once they have a new one out and they do not make their Raw image plugins to work with any version except the current one.