Help me decide which to submit to a contest

Generally when they specify the print size they are referring to the size and aspect ratio of the paper, the image on that paper can be any any aspect ratio you like.
In the 1st image I still find the top of the railings on the LHS distracting and to my eye a crop that takes it out would look better (see example below)
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Is there an option #3? I don't think either are very strong candidates mostly because, IMO, the framing on both are a miss.
For some stupid reason, the images have to be 8x10 instead of 8x12 (like most cameras take), so here are the final products. I guess that is what happens when non-photographers set the rules
I understand your favoritism toward #1 because of your daughter's uninhibited composition, but there is something else that tends to bias one's opinion of the two shots; color. If the first one had been rendered in color, then perhaps many of us would have selected #1.

What does the color version of #1 look like?
8x10 instead of 8x12 (like most cameras take)
While most DSLR brands have 3:2 aspect ratio image sensors, there are other brands that use a different aspect ratio.
Like the 4:3 aspect ratio Olympus uses.
Lots of bridge & P&S cameras also use a 4:3 aspect ratio image sensor.

Plus some higher grade 3:2 aspect ratio DSLRs have the option to shoot 5:4 (8x10).

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