Help Please!!!!


TPF Noob!
Apr 26, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
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i did some photos today, and i am still new at this... well the girl wore glasses and, what im wanting to know is how to fit it to where theres no so much of what shes looking around at or the flash in her glasses...I dont really know how to ask it but i think its understandable lol
i did some photos today, and i am still new at this... well the girl wore glasses and, what im wanting to know is how to fit it to where theres no so much of what shes looking around at or the flash in her glasses...I dont really know how to ask it but i think its understandable lol

If the reflections aren't too bad, you may be able to reduce them with some post processing. Ideally you want the person to remove the glasses if they are comfortable with that. If not, angle your lighting so that it doesn't bounce back to the camera. Can you post one of the shots?
well there is alot but ill do a few to show what im referring to
well she had to wear them... i tried to go to the side so that the few times i did use the flash it wasnt straight on but it still seems that it wasnt the greatest like i said this is the first time i ever did anyone besides my kids and myselfs pictures so go easy on me please lol....


you can also see the flash in the window behind i have photoshop 7 i just really havent taken the time to learn everything.. need good teachers :) i have alot that are like this that you can see when i didnt use the flash just stuff in the glasses
You can ask them to lift the glasses slight at the back so the angle of the lens points down slightly.

Second you can pose the eyeglass wearer so their shoulders and head are not parallel to the camera and have them only move their eyes to look at the camera. You must be careful they don't have to strain their eyes to look at the camera.

Third, use a flash (strobed light) that is not on the camera (Off Camera Flash, OCF).

The 3rd option is the most desireable because it allows for more interesting lighting.
so theres really nothing i can do to fix these pictures i have already done?
I read somewhere that if the person your shooting has an old pair of glasses, have them bring them, but get the glass taken out of them. That way they are wearing glasses, but no reflections.
They can be re-touched out, but it's best not to get them in the first place. Keith's 3rd suggestion is, as he said, the best one.


well i wasnt going to do them until i got a new camera im trying to sale the one i have because im not pleased with i dont want to drop money into it i have a off camera flash just doesnt fit the camera i have now thank you for fixing it how can i do that to the other 20 lol
20 huh? That's an afternoon's work. I'd say it took me about 5 minutes and that one was pretty easy -- some of the others could be harder.

Your Sony A330 is a nice camera. That 10.2 megapixel CMOS sensor isn't shabby. The kit lens that came with it may be what you don't like. It's not as clear a rule today as it used to be, but, the proper way to shop for a camera is to shop for the lens you want. Once you get the lens, you start shopping for the body that will fit it. Maybe what you need is a new lens. Sony's Zeiss designed lenses are pretty awesome.

i do hate my lens... its the one that came with it i want a nikon d 5000 ive found one with three lens two tripods and alot of others for less than i paid for what i have now i wish i would have shopped around before jumping into it theres not twenty but is a few

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