Hi all from Argentina


TPF Noob!
Feb 11, 2016
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Dear all

I am an italian industrial designer living in Argentina. I was used to shoot in the past with a sturdy and heavy 35mm Exakta camera. Then I forgot about Photography for many years.

Recently I discovered that Digital Cameras are not that expensive anymore... so I decided to buy a Nikon D3300 with 18-55 and 55-200, following the recommendation of a friend of mine.

I also bought a LimoStudio kit (continuous lighting) with 2 white and 1 black/white umbrellas and black and white muslim backdrops. I'll add a couple of softbox reflectors to interchange with umbrellas.

I'm interested in portraits but my next lens will probably be an AF-S DX 35mm f/1.8G. I'd love to buy a 50 but I'm running low of $. So I'll go for versatility. 85mm is too expensive and anyway I would not have all that room for 85 focal length.

I really don't have much to upload yet... Just a couple experiments...

I love this coin... I have it since when I was kid.
. DSC_0170.jpg

She is my sweat daughter and favourite model. she was backlit and there wan't much light, so I used high ISO, high aperture and slow shutter speed.


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