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TPF Noob!
Jan 16, 2025
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I've been lurking a while now, and decided to join 'cause it looks like I can learn a lot here.

I currently have a 35mm, Nikon N75 that I love shooting with! The only problem is I'm a broke college kid and can't afford to get them processed, put on CD, etc. But it looks like I'll be getting a DSLR for my birthday in two months, and I'm super excited! I'm looking into a Nikon D3000, so if anyone has any input it would be greatly appreciated. =)

Until I start shooting with whatever new camera I get, I'll post old ones taken with my N75. =)
If the budget allows, take a look at the Nikon D7000/7100/7200. Huge step-up from the older 3000 series bodies.
IMO your thinking the right way. I have a Nikon F5 and still an old med format and really like them, until that is develop time. Then have trouble finding a place to get it done either close to home or cost wise and waiting on it to get back drives me nuts. When I got my first digital, lot of years ago, I also bought an inexpensive computer and 8" printer. Almost the best thing I'd ever done. Point is you at some time want something bigger than 8x10 and smaller. S went out and got an inexpensive 13" printer. Wore it out and got another one. Can do up to 13x39" on my present printer but like 12x24 best. can make any size up to those I want now. I got to where I use only 3rd party ink and really happy with it. OEM ink runs about $18 a tank and OEM runs about $8 a tank. Also don't get crazy with expensive paper, 3rd party is way to go for me. And my last 13" printer was a Canon Pro 9000 Mk ll and used it over 6 years with no problem. New one is a Canon Pixma 200 and loving it! Make a lot of Pamoramic's and enlargement's to what ever size I want up to 12"x24" and pamoramic's to 13"x39". Well pano's not that long but a lot f 8 1/2"x19". Walls are full in my house with the photo's and have to trade off now and then.
Place I really save is framing. make all my own from free scrap wood and once in a while new wood. Next start I've decided is to put my special stuff in album's from 8x10 up, walls have been full a long time!

Of course if you have deep pockets you can go with expensive equipment and OEM ink and expensive paper and have someone else make your frames. Gave all that up a long time ago! Oh yea, largest printer I could afford was 13"x19". Would like a 17" but just out of me reach and making up to 11"x17" on my 13" printer is not a problem.

Tell ya what, I really have two printer's one is still an 8" Canon ip100 and I can do up to 81/2"by 17" on it I think but largest I do are 8"x16" and they come out fine.

My old truck from working days, retired now. Took the photo, printed it on a 13" printer and made the frame from wood out of a scrap pile!

Another photo from a shop in a frame from wood out of a scrap pile! Shadow Box frame!

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One more thing, your choice of a D3000 is good choice. Thing I found with less expensive cameras is they can take as good a photo as the user can, no better!

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