Hommage to Eggleston AND member CGW


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Dec 4, 2014
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Member CGW inspired me to post this. His "Eggleston hommage" differs from Egglestons tricycle very much by his use of after-dark lighting. I love such lighting. My minds eye wakes up after dark, and bicycles seem to have something to say about the darker hours.

Like CGWs night bike, these are also by iPhone. Much of the lighting on the first bike comes from a red neon sign, which really pops the color. The second bike is lit by the high intensity headlamps of a nearby parked car.
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Actually a daylight shot in bland open shade about 7:30am. PS and pet plug-ins did the rest.
Actually a daylight shot in bland open shade about 7:30am. PS and pet plug-ins did the rest.
Well good on you !
Fooled me and Im just fine with that.
Thanks for posting it.

My bikes are also edited but only with the limited editor built into the phone, and are now looking very much the way I recall seeing the scenes. It seems to me that my phone nullifies interesting lighting as it records a scene and I always need the editor to make things right.
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