Hoover Dam C&C Please


TPF Noob!
Mar 24, 2011
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Maybe I am missing something, but where's the dam? All I see is a concrete structure of some sort and water.

Hes standing on it......guess you have never been hu
I've been there......very saturated image. Works though I guess. Did you have fun in Vegas?
That is a shot of a part of Lake Mead, from Hoover Dam.
Step away from the saturation slider. Be mindful which metering mode the camera is set to.
I left the saturation alone, but decreased the Vibrance. I added some Fill light, and dodged the hills on the right to reveal some detail. I burned the sky to bring back soem of the blue in the sky and I burned the water. I then increased the mid-tone contrast, cropped a tad off both the top and the bottom, and added a thin black border.

Sorry guess it should of been titled, at the Dam LOL

I agree the sky is over exposed, your edit is great but I loved the blue of the water and the warm tone off the concrete, the sky on the right hand side really does bug me though :(

Thanks for the input :)
Hes standing on it......guess you have never been hu

You would be right about that :thumbup: - I was just surprised, because when I see a title that contains the word "dam", I expect to see a "dam" - that's all - no problem - just a lack of familiarity with that part of the world on my part - good reason for a trip - maybe next year to the Colorado Plateau/Canyon Country and then Las Vegas - now there's a plan... ;)



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