How can I save this photo?


Recovering TPF Junkie
Supporting Member
Nov 19, 2010
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San Jose, CA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I shot this a month back or so at a good friend's graduation. Unfortunately there was *no* opportunity for a clean background, but I managed to catch him as he pointed at a group of his friends with a good expression on his face. What can I do to save this photo? The lighting is very unforgiving and there is a ton going on in the background- I'm open to any suggestions.

I would try myself and then tell you what I did but I don't have ps on this computer.

I would try cropping form left and shadows-highlight adjustment in PS. and just a bit toning down the bg. Try and see if that helps
What's to save, life has backgrounds with people in them. This is a type of environmental portrait with a person doing their thing in a place with people there. The world is not a studio.
Blur the background just a tad.

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I'd try to reduce the highlights to recover the brillant highlight on the side of his face.

warm the tones.

add vibrance then reduce the saturation on any channels that might have been pushed.

call it a day--there's nothing wrong with the background, adds to the story.
I think it is fine. As is, it tells a story...which is what you want. You could burn the background to make it a bit darker. I think it is a great photo :D
I'd try to reduce the highlights to recover the brillant highlight on the side of his face.

warm the tones.

add vibrance then reduce the saturation on any channels that might have been pushed.

call it a day--there's nothing wrong with the background, adds to the story.
what he said

B&W with a blurred masked layer. A bit sloppy but you get the gist.
$graduation copy.jpg

Here is an edit
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I think you're spot on - the background needs to be cleaned up but you caught your friend at just the right moment. I'd crop it to minimize distractions in the background to help bring the viewer's attention to him.

If you crop the left side that would eliminate distractions/people's legs in the photo - the woman's blond hair is distracting it's so bright and light but I might try it keeping her and part of the man in the gown and cap, maybe about thru the middle (you'd have some of the white pants but get rid of the odd arms and legs etc.). If you crop the top to just below the top edge of his cap that would get rid of that hand that creates a bright spot.

You can probably get a decent photo out of it, seems like since you've been shooting sports and events you're able to figure out what needs to be worked on, just helps to have somebody else eyeball it sometimes.

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