I got curious and started looking online for price points on building my own darkroom since theres no camera stores that develop near me (unless I want to go to a drug store). I saw 16 ounce bottles of developer, fixer and stop bath, how many uses can you get out of these?
Hi. You don't need to build a darkroom to develop own film. Darkroom is for wet printing of silver halide photographic papers, so, unless you plan this... Do you have the necessary equipment for film developing already at your disposal ? Tank, good thermometer, some measuring vessels ? Do you have some space you can seal from the light for couple of minutes for the purpose of loading the film into tank ? If not maybe you need a "change bag" , something like that:
Photoflex Film Changing Room (25 x 22 x 15")AC-CROO1 B&H
This seems to be the best model for loading film into reel and developing tank.
From chemicals you will need only developer and fixer, for stop bath you can use vinegar, for wetting agent weak solution of dishwashing detergent (you have to practice how strong, usually 1 drop per litre is good depends on the water).
If you be using D76 - 1 gal pack is $5.18. That will give you 2 gal of working solution that will give you 24 rolls of 35 mm film developed.
1 gal pack of Kodak fixer is $5.09, that will fix much, much more than 24 rolls.
Now this developer:
Rollei/AGFA Compard R09 One Shot Black and White Film9725 B&H
used in 1:50 concentration will give you 83 rolls of 35mm film developed. You will need a syringe for this one.
This one doesn't come in small bottles anymore, now is 1 litre
Kodak Professional HC-110 Developer5010541 B&H Photo Video
I am using it with the same ratio like R09 (160 uses) and last me almost a year. This would be the best for you as it's (concentrate) shelf live in open bottle is incredible (more than year).
I wouldn't worry about chemical prices, that's nothing, prices of film are going up in America, you may want to check this out:
Ultrafine Xtreme Black & White Film ISO 100 - Ultrafine Xtreme Black & White Film
I am using this film and it is just normal, no nasty surprises film. All signs are saying it is a Harman Technology film, or Kentmere 100 or Ilford Pan 100. And price is hard to beat, however Freestyle has good deal on FOMA and the best price for Kodak TX disguised as Arista Premium 400.
Put your cameras in good use, good luck.