How might I improve this photo


TPF Noob!
Aug 20, 2008
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Recently, my mother gave me a Ziplock bag of memorabilia from my childhood. I thought it might be interesting to arrange them on a background and photograph them. I used my wife's coat with a red lining and then ended up converting the picture to black and white. Light from a lamp was falling on the objects. I don't think the outcome is what I had envisioned. I feel this is just one of those ideas that didn't work out.

I would appreciate any suggestions on you think could improve it.

Nikon D40, Aperture: F11, Focal length: 200mm, Exposure: 1 sec., No flash. Converted to black and white with the Gimp.
A deeper DOF would get everything in focus. To increase DOF you can either use a high f/stop or move back from the setup.

The empty space above the name tag looks weird. And I would place the name tag in another location instead of right in the middle of the image.
I find there are too many things going on in the photo, my eye doesn't know where to look.

I'd only have a few pieces in at a time, if only 1 at at time. Get closer, use shallower DOP to blur out parts.
Agreed, if you cut off the bottom half of the picture after the name tag and then messed around with the items, possibly putting the name tag at the top left at an angle, could make it a little more interesting.
I find there are too many things going on in the photo, my eye doesn't know where to look.

I'd only have a few pieces in at a time, if only 1 at at time. Get closer, use shallower DOP to blur out parts.
Haha I love yow your avatar fits your post.
But yea what everyone else said.

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