How much have you improved.


TPF Noob!
Mar 25, 2011
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Ever since I joined this forum I have learned alot. Now I believe that I have improved a little. Lets see a your shots when you joined, and lets see your shots now. These are of my first and last maternity shoot. I know I havent gotten that much better, but Im taking steps.

There is another one of these posts going here:

Are those incredibly dark on your computer? Because the black girl is eyes and shirt to me. I can see her face, but at a glance it's hard to determine what is going on there. Is your monitor well calibrated? Most monitors out of the box are VERY bright and tend to error to the blue cast as they are set up for internet use and gaming. Because of it when people edit their photos they think they are much brighter than they really are. I think that may be the difference in what I am seeing and what you are seeing.
There is another one of these posts going here:

Are those incredibly dark on your computer? Because the black girl is eyes and shirt to me. I can see her face, but at a glance it's hard to determine what is going on there. Is your monitor well calibrated? Most monitors out of the box are VERY bright and tend to error to the blue cast as they are set up for internet use and gaming. Because of it when people edit their photos they think they are much brighter than they really are. I think that may be the difference in what I am seeing and what you are seeing.
Oh yes big difference. I see her whole body. Also yes my screen is not calibrated so its most likely brighter than yours.
Turn the brightness setting on your monitor down to about 70%. It will come much closer to print. Your colors may not be anywhere near close, but that will help your brightness a lot.
Turn the brightness setting on your monitor down to about 70%. It will come much closer to print. Your colors may not be anywhere near close, but that will help your brightness a lot.
I can still see her fully. Its at 66% are you sure yours just isnt too dark
My prints are spot on. I can see her. It's just really dark and hard to tell what's going on.
I'm on a calibrated monitor and can see her quite well. The shadow area behind her wrist is dropping to black and toward the top of her head.

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