I Don't Always Fly


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Mar 29, 2016
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But when I do, other aviators shoot themselves out of the sky. :biggrin: Another from the most interesting dog series. Bless her heart I've never seen such a patient dog as Sadie, does anything I ask, and actually hops up the platform to pose without asking. As always C&C appreciated.
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funny and so beautiful ..what a sweetheart!
A hat on a dog???? I would never ;) Love it!
@Photo Lady, thank you. She's a rescue who spent the first 4yrs of her life as an outside dog in a kennel. Britts are very people oriented, they want to be close to you at all times so she's pretty much up for whatever just as long as she's in the middle.

@CherylL, hats, coats, scarves, shirts, glasses, she wears them all because after all she is "The world's most interesting dog". :allteeth:

@Jeff15 thank you
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@Photo Lady, thank you. She's a rescue who spent the first 4yrs of her life as an outside dog in a kennel. Britts are very people oriented, they want to be close to you at all the time so she's pretty much up for whatever just as long as she's in the middle.

i can see she is a sweetheart just by her pose... it is fun to dress them up and take their photos..
.. after all they are our family too
I just felt like the image as shot was missing something with the background. Had an opportunity to try out a new method of replacing a background and thought this might make a good one to practice with. This one seems better to me???

I really like both versions of this photo. It is great!

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