I just don't know...


TPF Noob!
Oct 20, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
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$IMG_6054 chocolate WEB.jpg$IMG_6054 color WEB.jpg

I thought about it after the other post and realized I have a couple with more of the road too. I am not thinking it really makes it better in any way. Eh. LOVE this tree, but that damn road is in my way!
Black and white. In color the brilliant sky takes away from the crooked branch of a tree.
Black and white. In color the brilliant sky takes away from the crooked branch of a tree.

I am a black and white kinda girl too. Neutral artwork kind of thing.
Mlee... I know you are one of those that much prefers to get it as right as possible in camera.. using all the tools at your disposal. That ways you don't have to do excessive editing in LR, Oh wait, you use PS.. Don't you! ;)

I do think a little cloning would help that road though! A little PS might work well!
I liked the tree so much I wanted to see it, and not so much the road
View attachment 17113

This is actually the second post. The first shot was much less road. I just threw this one up because I hated the little road, so I thought I'd look at the shots with more road.
Yep, found your original post. I personally like your fist B&W better. At least for me, the road doesn't add anything but I'd also sacrifice some of the sky for more tree detail. It's a great sky, but the naked branches of the tree just get lost in the distance. I love the character of this tree so I suppose I'm bias.
Way better cropped and B&W. Although the sky that day would have made for a stunning shot all by itself. Just gorgeous.
but that damn road is in my way!

Actually, I like it just the way it is. The road leads the eye into the frame. Also balances against the greenery. The color version is my favorite, BTW.

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