I Love Italy


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Nov 19, 2011
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Long Island, New York
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Back in 2017, we were touring Italy, and in Florence we came to the Basilica Santa Croce - the Florence Cathedral. Both my wife and wondered about what appeared to be a Star of David on the facade. Our guide explained that it was a Star of David, and that the architect of the facade, Niccolo Matas, had been Jewish, and asked permission to include it in the design. The response was something like, "Sure, Jesus and his family were Jews." Today he is buried just outside the Cathedral - outside because was not Catholic, while inside lie the remains of Michelangelo, Galileo, Machiaveli, Rosssini and other geniuses.

(Old photos spark old memories.)
Very nice building; that must require frequent cleanings.
I'd never have guessed Galileo and Rossini were buried in the same place.
And much maintenance! We could not enter the Cathedral when we were there because a piece of falling masonry had killed a Spanish tourist the week before.

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