i LOVE this shot


TPF Noob!
Mar 28, 2007
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I agree it's a bit dark. Nice composition though.
one of the reasons it is dark like this (just for clarification) is i enjoy then focal point it provides
One thing syou kind of need to understand though is that you can still have the same dark effect without it being underexposed.
thanks for your comment, and im not trying to be rude but heres my defence!

"you kind of need to understand" i understand a good focal point can be established in a bright photograph, look at some of my other threads/ Next in the background, thoose are all white flowers (sure theyre not in focus) but when the flower in focus blended with them it would make the focal point LESS DISTINCT.

again i wasnt trying to be a jerk or rude, just standin up for myself
Sorry, but to my mind this photo is not only "a bit dark" but totally underexposed. Focal point or not, nice motif or not, droplets or not, managed to get them sharp or not. This photo is totally underexposed.
lol Let me try to say it again, you can still have the whole picture be dark but keep the subject slightly brighter to make it the main focal point, but right now the whole thing is underexposed which is not good.
For example heres one I did with the dark background like you're saying. I posted this before in a thread a while back.

Before editing the background had some water, some bushes, and maybe even another flamingo if I remember correctly. What you want to do with yours is create a new layer, bring up the brightness, then erase what you want to stay dark, and you can even darken it more with the burn tool.
By the way I forgot to say this before I like the picture, just could be improved slightly. ;)

Edit: As La Foto said, theres a difference between underexposed and the darker background that you want to achieve.
here is a quick edit (less than 5 min) to show separation without underexposing the shot.

DSC_0424 copy.jpg
Hey thatnks for showing that to me, as for the overall shot it would have been better when it was fresh out of the memory card to work with and wouldnt look so out of place, but i get what y'all mean now. Thanks !
I still like the original pic. The edited one just doesn't have the glow or the mood of "night." The first pic is trance-like and emotive like "Aurora toward the spinning wheel." It looks like the moon light is gently laying over it. I totally prefer the under-exposed shot. Maybe a very subtle edit would give it more pronouncement. But, it'd be such a shame to kill the romantic, mysterious mood of the photo.

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