I started thinking.


TPF Noob!
Jan 11, 2009
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SA, Adelaide
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is there anyone else on here from australia? lol
all i see is usa and canada
I'm an Inbetweeny.. (depends what way you go 'round though).
LucyRose: go to "Members List" in the bar above. Click. Up comes a loooong list of all members who EVER registered on TPF. Go to "Search Members", down drops another menu, choose "Advanced Search", voilà, a new page opens. Write "Australia" into the "location", then wait and see what list you'll get. I get 232 results (but there is no one on Page 1 of the five pages who I'd recognise as a regular poster).

Repeat the search by putting in OZ, you might get a somewhat different result.
But we sure HAVE Australian members. Xmetal springs to mind, for example.

AND we have a good many EUROPEAN members, too. So it is NOT only American and Canadian members.

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