Fuji X100 VI,

Dave Maciak

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jul 9, 2020
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It finally happened--a Fuji X100 VI! Was looking for one all over including several spots overseas; no luck. On KEH scanning the Fuji line I found one,
black, like new condition, Out came the debit card and the camera was on it's way. KEH had a terrific price unlike some of the pirates I've seen on line.
750 shutter activations, not one blemish, indeed, like new as advertised.
Also thank my friends on this forum with ideas on where to get one, your input was appreciated, From Canada, the UK. and Australia they came--not to
mention here in USA.
After my stolen (from an airline carry on bag) I really wanted another X100 rig, took a year of searching finally in my bag!!
The stars aligned...Lucky you! That form factor just doesn't make sense to some. More for us!
You bought a camera I swear didn't exist! haha. Congrats.
The stars aligned...Lucky you! That form factor just doesn't make sense to some. More for us!
That "form factor" appeals to me too, and Ive been enjoying it since before the Fuji was introduced.

I was originally using "the form" with film but have managed to accomodate the 21st century. Good of Fuji to keep the faith. (Mine are both discontinued.)


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