I was wondering if the image look under or over exposed


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Dec 25, 2011
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I just got a new calibrated monitor and was testing some pictures. I was wondering if the image look under or over exposed?

looks overexposed on mine
Looks fine to me. The eagle's head might be slightly underexposed, but to fix that you would blow out the highlights elsewhere.
Thanks OllllllO thats what I was thinking to but Needed some other opions.
Top of the perch may be a bit on the hot side, but overall, I would say it was a pretty balanced exposure.
To a degree 'correct exposure' is subjective, particularly in situations such as this where increasing exposure will blow out some areas, and reducing it will clip other parts.

For my taste, this image is overexposed, but then I find I always lean to the left on the histogram compared to what others tend to think.
The branch the eagle is perched on has a patch close to the right edge that looks blown. The rest of the image looks properly exposed. My monitor is freshly calibrated using a X-Brite i1.
Try a little dodging. You may be able to fix it without blowing anything out. As it stands now, I thinks it's fine though.
Thank you all so much for the opinions.
The bird looks fine; but the bright green in the background has a bit adverse effect, i feel...Having said that i express my much liking of this image :D

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