

TPF Noob!
Oct 9, 2007
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Harlem New York
Can others edit my Photos
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ok so i live in a lower class(ghetto) area of ny. and i was wondering instead of traveling to beautiful spots which i enjoy doing, if i should do a shot of the lower class level. im wondering do you think itd strike a interest in people to see the urban area and would it strike a interest in you..
That sound very interesting to me. You can give people a real look of NY not the fake hollywood movie NY that many people imagine.

Take a friend or two along If you fell safer with them(plus you can make them carry your stuff!)
make images about those things you know best.
I'm originally from NYC. !! I can even remeber my address 527 w 121st street isnt that crazy. I would love to see pictures!!!
Yes. I would certainly be interested. Among my favourite pics taken when I was visiting NYC last year in April (first and so far only time for me) are those I took while standing at the bus stop in Brooklyn, waiting for the airport bus, and that area certainly isn't New York's Finest. I doubt the pics are still on the server, so it might be useless to link you to the DC Meet-Up threads ... but if it is still there, I'll come back and give you the link to that thread, ok?
Well ... grrr ... this is the thread but all the photos are gone :(. Why-o-why have I taken THOSE photos off the server???? What did I think at the time?????????????????????????????????????
I'm In the bronx the most part of the week and lived there till I was 20. There are many intresting things to shoot but I think twice about walking around with a camera in some areas. For that reason Im sure many fine photos go untaken but many will be interested in seeing photos like that.
I'm In the bronx the most part of the week and lived there till I was 20. There are many intresting things to shoot but I think twice about walking around with a camera in some areas. For that reason Im sure many fine photos go untaken but many will be interested in seeing photos like that.

im from the area and know most of the people so im ok in that matter lol but def thansk for caring. as for Lafota FIND THOSE PICS PUNK lol
i used to read a lot of advice on writing and most will tell you to "write what you know". i think this applies to photography as well. the thing is that what is everyday to you is something that most have never (and may never) see. i grew up in the middle of nowhere, illinois. when i take my boyfriend from here in the suburbs down he's still amazed to see cornfields and highways with nothing for miles and miles. i guess until then it never struck me that any of that would be interesting to anyone.
another quick story (sorry to ramble) i took a photography class a few months back and was a little sad (maybe embarrassed) that everyone else had time to go to downtown chicago to take pictures all weekend. i wasn't so lucky to be able to do that and i let it get to me for a while. but then i kind of felt like, there are millions of pictures of the sears tower in the world, but not so many of my hometown or where i live now. they're not any less interesting. and when the chicago people showed their pictures everyone liked them but when the people with their hometown pictures showed them, everyone seemed more interested. it was something new.
put something out there people don't see every day. and then put it on here, so your pals at TPF can see. :eek:) good luck!

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