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TPF Noob!
Nov 24, 2011
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Hello Everyone!

I am looking at changing insurance for my photography business. My primary focus is weddings and I am hoping to find insurance that would also cover worse case scenarios- redoing a wedding (as much as possible) because a memory card was corrupted, etc.

Is anyone else concerned about this- photographing events that are almost impossible to "do over" and how do you address them insurance-wise?
I think in addition to insurance, you should also look into how to tell your clients and all of their guests: "Hey guys, I had a corrupted memory card during the wedding... Can you all rent Tux's again, and dress up nicely? All I need is about ~6 hours of your time, the same venue rented, and all the wedding decorations put back up. Thanks!" Because I'm not sure that insurance will help you on that one...
Um, this is the same person that's a pro in one topic and a newb in another.
Um, this is the same person that's a pro in one topic and a newb in another.

Yea.. depending on which thread you read.. OP is either a seasoned PRO.. or a total noob! I say TROLL!

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