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Interesting YT on Lawrence of Arabia filming

I've never seen it, but I've started watching old movies from before my time because the stuff on tv now i can't get into. Everyones become an actor on streaming productions and the actings terrible.

The cinematography on Lawrence looks great.
I've never seen it, but I've started watching old movies from before my time because the stuff on tv now i can't get into. Everyones become an actor on streaming productions and the actings terrible.

The cinematography on Lawrence looks great.

It's stunning, really, especially knowing that it was all done with cameras and extras, no cgi. Note: it's a long film. It can feel kinda draggy sometimes, but usually it's not bad because it's still visually interesting so you can enjoy that while waiting for the story to progress faster.
One of my top 5 movies I found this YT video very interesting, so much I thought I should share here!

Fond memory from my youth and Mad Magazine: Lawrence insisted on going on another mission despite warnings and terrible sunburn. One Arab says to another, “One toasted English to go!”
Another old school cinema marvel:

Ben Hur, absolute classic of a film!!

Doctor Zhivago is probably my No.1 film, Lara’s theme playing in my head quite regularly..

Have to admit a love for the 1963 Ckeopatra also, ( to hell with historical accuracy!) and Spartacus (the Kirk Douglas one of course).

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