Invasion of the Yellow Peril!


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jul 30, 2010
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As in dandilions. Have you ever looked at them closely? The fiendishly brilliant engineering that went into making the seed? The little barbs that ensure that the seed gets buried? The little parasole that picks up the wind - and the attachment point, that doesn't let go until the wind is strong enough to carry the seed far away? If we could figure out how to make fuel out of this plant, our energy worries would be over.

$Dandelion head_small_6908.JPG
Really neat shot!
Love the perspective. It seems a tad flat though. I'd like to see the contrast upped a bit or at least expose a little brighter.

I never knew the seeds had barbs on them. Amazing what you discover with macro!
Thanks, Groan (by the way, your username wouldn't be inspired by the political classes in your town, would it? ;) ).

You were right about the contrast and brightness. Here's a version taking your comments into account...

$Dandelion head_small_v2_6908.JPG
Ah, I thought you were posting about something else ... based on the title. ... not sure if you are familiar with "The Yellow Peril"

Hmm, for those Rule of Thirds people ... I think this image would be better exactly centered ... something about symmetry.
Yeah, I know about the "yellow peril". Just goes to show that every age has to have its bad guys (whether they are real or not). I was appropriating that phrase to use for the veritable invasion of our lawns, fields and semi-arable land with these hardy, persistent and very effective plants. Ever since the herbicides have been outlawed, they have taken over almost all the lawns in our city. And they get hated with almost the same ferocity as the original "Yellow Peril".

In an earlier version, I did frame the head symetrically, but didn't like it, and tried this version skewed. I guess that particular experiment was not as successful as I had hoped. But when it is exactly centered, it looks boring (at least to me).
mmm, but dandelion leaves cooked with a bacon and vinegar dressing...yum

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