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Is the canon 400d part of the Digital Rebel series?


TPF Noob!
Jan 9, 2008
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Hi guys,

Is the Canon 400D part of the Digital Rebel series. I'm just about to buy the 10-22mm super wide angle canon lense and just realised that it's only compatible with the 40D, 30D, 20D and Digital Rebel series cameras.

400D yes it`s a digital rebel.

But i don't thing that lens it's only compatible with 40d 30d etc...

All the canon lenses are compatible with all the cameras with some exceptions concerning mounts and the type of the lens (for example an EF-S lens doesn't work on a full frame camera).

So the canon 10-22mm will definitely work on the 400D.
The 10-22 is an EF-S lens so yes you are correct it will work with the 40D and rebel line. It will definitely work on the 400D and is a great lens!
400D yes it`s a digital rebel.

But i don't thing that lens it's only compatible with 40d 30d etc...

All the canon lenses are compatible with all the cameras with some exceptions concerning mounts and the type of the lens (for example an EF-S lens doesn't work on a full frame camera).

So the canon 10-22mm will definitely work on the 400D.

The 10-22mm is an EF-S lens, so it would be among the lenses that wouldn't work on the Canon full-frame cameras (the 1D and 5D series). I'm not 100% on this, but I also think the EF-S lenses won't work on the 10D or older Canon cameras -- though those are getting pretty rare at this point, I think.

I believe EF-S lenses also won't work on any of Canon's film cameras -- but someone else may know better than me on that.

In any event, though, you're correct -- the 10-22 on a 400D works just fine (and is a lot of fun). :D
The EF and EF-S lenses will work on the 400D.

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