Is there a mix as needed developer with long shelf life.

Grandpa Ron

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Aug 9, 2018
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It seems that several weeks or months go by between my opportunity to develop films. So I am curious if there is a developer that can be stored and mixed as needed.

I have been working with Arista 200 b&w in 4x5 format. My developing tank uses 55 oz. for 1 or 12 sheets. I usually do about 6 sheets.

I am using D 76 developer but looking for options.
HC-110 if it's still available.

+1 for HC110 in it's concentrate *syrup* form. It keeps for at least a year in an opened bottle as long as you replace the lid... ;)

I use a syringe to mix it with one litre of water in either 1+31 or 1+63 (32ml and 16ml respectively).

The actual difference between commercially available developers is really quite small and more than offset by scanning/digitalising with the subsequent processing/sharpening, and exposure/developing technique. To gain any advantage of one developer over another requires quite a refined workflow. So I don't bother chasing that small difference to define my images, preferring instead to learn how to manipulate one specific developer.
I used to use Agfa Rodinal. Lasts for YEARS.
I think someone makes and sells a replacement.

I used an Illford liquid developer at the local community college.
Like HC110 and Rodinal, we mixed just enough for a single tank (16 oz) at a time.
Instead of worrying about shelf life, I simply store my exposed film until I have enough to soup it all at once. Make up the chemicals, develop & print, then clean up and wait for the next big batch of film to be ready.
Most developers that come in wet form such as HC-110 can be mixed as needed. You can also mix dry developers from scratch as needed. For example, D23 is very similar to D76 and only requires 2 ingredients plus water.
HC-110 is my preferred b&w developer. Agfa Rodinal is another highly concentrated developer which keeps for a long time

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