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Is this a reasonable canon bundle?


TPF Noob!
Nov 27, 2007
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Buying my first DSLR and have come across the following bundle:

Canon 40d
EF 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
EF 70-300mm f4-5.6 IS USM

Are the two lenses mentioned fairly decent? I don't mind spending more money for better lenses but this bundle seems well price....

Just curious, what is the bundle priced at?

I'm not familiar with the two lenses listed as far as how sharp they are, etc., but I can say that you'll need plenty of light to get a decent shutter speed as the aperture doesn't go bigger than f/4.
If the first lens is the EF-S 17-85 IS USM then yes it is a good lens. the 70-300 however I would spend the extra $100 for the 70-200 F/4 L because you trade 100mm of focal length for an L series lens. I guess if it's a bundle, go for it, leave the 70-300 unopened and sell it to get the 70-200(or keep it, I'm just stating my opinion, the 70-300 IS USM isn't that bad, but it lacks in quality compared to the L lens)
It's £1179 (approx. $2475). Just bear in mind that things here in the UK are far more expensive than in US/Can...!
well I say buy the bundle either way, they are middle grade lenses and middle is better than what most get for their first lenses, if you can do the trade fo rth eL later, I would, or if you find that you're using the 300mm setting a lot on the 70-300 then keep it. Also, later on, add an EF 50mm 1.8 lens just becase every canon owner should have it. It feels like a toy but it has AMAZING low light ability and is very sharp.
It's £1179 (approx. $2475). Just bear in mind that things here in the UK are far more expensive than in US/Can...!

Ouch. Would it be cheaper to buy in the US and pay the import taxes? That kit hovers about $1900 USD. They are both good lenses. More than adequate for a person starting out that does not have a hyper-critical need of superb image quality.
Speak to Ian Kerr (Kerso) you can PM him.

In America at B&H you can expect to pay the following

40d = $1300
Tamron 17-50 = $450
70-200 f4L = $540

Top quality fast lenses

If you can stretch that little bit farther, the following are even better.

40d = $1300
Canon 17-55 f2.8 IS = $930
70-200 f4L IS = $985

You might find Kerso a little more expensive than the above (as he has to make money) but you'd make a large saving and the above lenses will be more versatile and Image Quality will be better.

You will realise after using a slow lens that you really want faster. Buy the best you can afford at the start.


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