ISO 3200 shot


TPF Noob!
Mar 22, 2008
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S.E. WI.
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I took this shot in Fla. a week ago. While looking thru the viewfinder I just kept jacking up the ISO while watching the shutter speed readout till it got fast enough to catch this guy. I was using my Canon 100-400 L on a 40D body. We were in a mangrove swamp under the canopy on a cloudyday. It was dark in there.

I just looked at the exif and saw I shot this at ISO 3200. This is an uncropped shot with PP in PS using just PS noise reduction. I gotta say I'm kinda impressed.

heres the exif

File Name: Florida183copyMedium.jpg (rename) .jpgok cancel

File Size: 60 kb - 800 x 533
Camera Make: Canon
Camera Model: Canon EOS 40D
Date/Time: 2009:02:12 22:47:38
Resolution: 800 x 533
Flash Used: No
Focal Length: 400.0mm (35mm equivalent: 314...
CCD Width: 4.58mm
Exposure Time: 0.0025 s (1/400)
Aperture: f/5.6
ISO Equiv.: 3200
Whitebalance: Auto
Exposure: aperture priority (semi-auto)
GPS Latitude: ? ?
GPS Longitude: ? ?
Thats a very clean shot (although there is low to moderate noise) for a 3200 ISO shot on a crop sensor body. I think if you use noiseware it would do a bit better job of reducing the noise.

Since your photos are ok to edit, i took this into photoshop and with noiseware reduced almost all the noise in the background. also it sharpened up the face A LOT.

I didnt make THAT much of a difference, but if you wre to print it at a high resolution, i think it would be a cleaner image overall.


If you don't underexpose (and try to fix it in post) shooting at 3200 on a newer body like that is perfectly acceptable.
Thats a very clean shot (although there is low to moderate noise) for a 3200 ISO shot on a crop sensor body. I think if you use noiseware it would do a bit better job of reducing the noise.

Since your photos are ok to edit, i took this into photoshop and with noiseware reduced almost all the noise in the background. also it sharpened up the face A LOT.

I didnt make THAT much of a difference, but if you were to print it at a high resolution, i think it would be a cleaner image overall.

Is noiseware a specific program, a plugin for photoshop, or just your way of referring to any noise reducing software? My old Sony A100 sometimes showed noise at ISO 400, almost always showed some at ISO 800, and was pretty much unusable above that unless you wanted the noise. I still have some shots from that camera that I'd like to clean up, but I haven't mastered the noise reducer in CS3.

If I think about it when I get home I'll try to post some pictures so you can see what I'm talking about.
ISO 3200 on the d300 is kinda disappointing. But it looks great on the 40D. Nice shot!
I shoot regularly at ISO 6400 and with some minor cleaning up, it looks as good as most people's ISO 400... you have to love technology. I bought my D700 specifically becuase it is the best high ISO low noise camera on the market (besides the equally performing but high cost D3).


You need to do some serious pixel peeping to see noise with this ISO 6400 shot. ;)
Thats a very clean shot (although there is low to moderate noise) for a 3200 ISO shot on a crop sensor body. I think if you use noiseware it would do a bit better job of reducing the noise.

Since your photos are ok to edit, i took this into photoshop and with noiseware reduced almost all the noise in the background. also it sharpened up the face A LOT.

I didnt make THAT much of a difference, but if you wre to print it at a high resolution, i think it would be a cleaner image overall.


I must say the original shot looked better. The noise was non-intrusive and your cleaning job is clearly visible. As in the cleaned up version looks obviously cleaned, and rather unnatural. Tone the noise reduction down a bit, noise adds character at times.

ISO 3200 on the d300 is kinda disappointing. But it looks great on the 40D. Nice shot!

Try resizing the image to 800x533 and you'll see it looks just as good as the 40D. Only pixel peepers are disappointed with D300s ;)
Really nice shot, btw.

As Mike said, exposing properly (and perhaps even overexposing just a hair) can give you some nearly zero-noise shots. I did a lot of this with some circus pictures I took one day and was absolutely floored with the results, and with absolutely zero noise reduction. (D300 on RAW)

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