It's the shoes


TPF Noob!
Jan 5, 2007
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EDIT: Added a less processed version. Which I like better actually.


hehe, i've seen that so many times before. One time, i found a cooler on top of a telephone post. I have no idea how it got up there.
Hehe. I like. I usually complain about all the "negative space" that shows up often in images, but in this case, it really works. The angled wires give balance.

One thing I would watch out for is over-sharpening. The shoes have a bit of a halo around them that looks like a common sharpening artifact. If you didn't apply any sharpening in software, I would turn it down in your camera.
ooo i really like that, looks like it has been edited quite a lot, the sky and the light on the shoes dont really match....either that or i'm going crazy
Added another version.
:grumpy: It's not funny!!! Some kids did this to me when I got home from band camp. It took me a week to find my trumpet.

Just kidding, nice shot.
This is not the first photo of shoes on the wire that I am seeing here on TPF, now what IS it with people and their shoes over there? Why don't they just put them in their shoe rack at home :confused: !?!?!?


Actually, I quite like the edited (here posted as first) version. A run through NeatImage might clear out whichever effects it shows right now (or it might ruin it... it is a trial and error thing with NeatImage).

But why is it there is NO spot (as if on the sensor or the mirror) in the original version, yet there is one - right next to the shoes - in the edited one?

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