I'm using a Nikon Coolpix 4500. Until my Contax RTS II gets here tomorrow anyway. No telling what will happen then. I haven't used an SLR in almost 15 years.
I'm cheating and using the lenses I have for my Yashica FR until I take up robbing banks to buy Zeiss lenses for the Contax.
At last accounting (bear in mind I haven't seen most of this stuff in 7 years) I had a 50mm/f1.7, a 42-75mm zoom/f4.5ish, a 135mm/f2.8, a 75-200 macro zoom/f4.5 and maybe a 200mm, but I don't really remember. There's probably a doubler in the bag somewhere & maybe a tripler.
The only ones I have on-hand until August are the 50 & 135, so things will be a bit limited for awhile. But then again, I have to get used to shooting film again, and get used to a "new" camera.
Oh you have quite the arsenal. All I have a 28mm F2.8, 50mm F1.7 and a 80-200 zoom. Not a huge fan of the zoom. I sure hope I get a 100mm macro so I'll have a nice portrait lens too.