jpg, raw, or raw+ jpg


TPF Noob!
Dec 2, 2011
Reaction score
Toledo, Ohio
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
some of the cameras I have been looking at, offer 3 different save modes.

raw, jpg, or raw+jpg simultaneously

I understand what jpg is.
I understand that raw is more like a negative and gives you more control over processing.

what would be the purpose of shooting both at the same time?

furthermore, if your camera offers it, do you do it?
The only purpose I can think of to shoot raw and jpeg is if you needed something out of the camera quick for publishing.
You can do that with the Jpeg. The raw , not so much. Raw files come out of the camera flat and need to be cooked up.

If the camera offers it , do you do it? No.
Let me put it this way, you'll be shooting in raw.
Unless you're a photographer for a newspaper, or you need an image quick for a news channel at 6:00.
I haven't shot a jpeg in.........I don't even know how long.
When I save RAW and JPG together I think of it as a way of having something to compare my RAW editing with. Most of the the time the camera does a terrific job.
If I just need an image to post on-line, email, etc., I shoot it Jpeg (Whatsit comes to mind).

If I know I'll need to spend time in post, I shoot raw. This is about 90% of my shooting.

I rarely shoot both, but sometimes the occasion dictates it. For instance, if I need a jpeg ASAP, but still need a raw for pure editing, I shoot both. Otherwise, I shoot raw only and create jpegs in post using a batch process.
Someytimes it can be handy to have small jpg's to go with your raw files, for example if you don't have something like lightroom where you can see previews of the raw files then you can effectively just use the jpgs as previews in windows so you know which raw file to open in photoshop and edit.
I shoot Raw + small jpeg for weddings because I put up a slide show after they eat dinner. Otherwise, I don't bother with the jpeg and just shoot raw. If I am out and about with friends, enjoying the day I just take snapshots with a smaller camera.
I shoot both because I don't feel like editing every single photo. Some are simply snapshots. I'm satisfied with them being processed as JPEGs so I discard the raw versions.
I generally shoot booth also. If I took a descent shot and the camera does a good job with the JPEG, I'll use the JPEG. If the photo needs help, I have the raw available. It costs nothing to do this other than a little speed on rapid fire.
RAW only but i use lightroom so it's easy to batch process and export jpegs
I shoot RAW + JPEG 90% of the time. The in-camera JPEG processing from new, modern d-slr cameras has grown better and better over the years. In-camera down-sizing of the images can result in some remarkable JPEGs, like small-size, say the 3MP SMALL setting, using the Fine-compression routines. Plus, a good, big, beefy RAW image for serious use or extreme editing. Honestly--until a person has achieved a relatively high degree of software proficiency and technical mastery, the in-camera processing applied by the newer cameras can actually produce far BETTER PICTURES than many newbies can create from their raw files.

RAW + JPEG capture mode,Medium-size, Fine compression, Monochrome, with Sepia Toning, and Yellow Filter Effects is a beautiful way to get some nice-looking B&W JPEGS right off the card with Canons...and to also have the full-size .CR2 raw files with all the color information available.
With RAW + JPEG you don't need special editing software to browse the photos.

For example, you go shooting somewhere and want to view some photos on the computer that isn't yours.
Makes it easy to view.

I only shoot RAW personally.
I only shoot RAW. I have no need for JPEGs until after I export. It just eats up memory card space otherwise.
I have only been shooting raw as it gives you a lot of leeway to process it as you see fit. You lose data with jpeg. I do agree though if you need something to post/send quick raw+jpeg but otherwise shoot raw and bring it into your computer and create your jpeg for posting/sending etc once you get it looking how you like. The Nikon's come with SW to allow you do do this although lightroom, photoshop (or elements) seem to be the most popular software that folks use. If you look on youtube people like Jared Polin (FroknowsPhoto) and others have posted good explanations as to why they only shoot raw.
I'm going on a mission trip to Denver this spring break. While there, I'm going to shoot some that will get e-mailed back to school for the website. I'm going to be shooting RAW and JPEG because I'm not bringing my computer down so I won't be able to edit while we're down there. (I'll be e-mailing them back on someone else's computer...)
great info everyone. Thanks !

so, as far as space is concerned....

I know that each image will be different due to amount of darks & lights, but, on average, what size would an average jpg and raw file be, on a 10mp camera?

we've got 6 8gb sdhc cards to work with between the two cameras.

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